Flat Roofing Contractor Publishes Helpful Information on Flat Roof Maintenance
As a result, the company suggests that all flat roofs be inspected on a yearly basis, even if no obvious problems are evident. If there is even a small leak that has been noticed, the company goes on to say that the owner should call in a professional to assess the situation as soon as possible. as this can help mitigate the potential cost of a major leak occurring
a leak is tackled at an earlier stage it can sometimes be addressed for less than a thousand dollars, depending on the problem. The average lifespan of a flat roof is in the neighborhood of ten to fifteen years
“One of the things that we take very seriously is that we will never leave a business or homeowner in any sort of danger. We don’t recommend repair if a roof needs replacing, and we don’t recommend replacing a roof necessarily just because of a leak.”
indicate a problem with the roof and these include: water stains on the underside of the roof deck, mold or mildew in an attic, visible cracks in the attic, or bowing or creasing of the roof material. Small puddles of water on the roof are another major thing to watch out for.
Home/building owners and manages should also watch out for damage to the flashing on a roof, as that can actually create or indicate leaks. “Flashing” is the proper term for the metal strips around things like chimneys and air conditioners.

Flat Roof Replacement Cost
Want to know how much a flat roof replacement or repair will cost? In this article we look at the prices of different roof replacements and repairs per square metre, including the cost of materials and labour. This makes it easy for anyone to calculate how much replacing a roof will cost them.
Constructing a flat roof is quicker and cheaper than a traditional pitched roof, flat roofs require fewer materials which they cost much less to install. they are also much simpler so are a better choice for DIY enthusiasts
But the big disadvantage of a flat roof is the potential for water and other debris to gather which over time will cause the roofing material to degrade and eventually leak, even though they are in fact built with a slight incline. This means that flat roofs also need a lot more maintenance than a pitched roof to keep them leak free and in good condition, but even with all the maintenance, they only last around 10 to 15 years.
To be watertight flat roofs need to be covered with roll asphalt, EDPM, uPVC, ethylene, TPO, fibreglass, modified bitumen membrane or flat-seamed metal. Although repairing or replacing a flat roof could fall within the scope of an experienced DIY enthusiast, most of us will need to hire a tradesman to do the work for us.
Things to consider
With flat roofs, you really need to get a roofer out to inspect the roof before giving a quote, as it can be difficult to assess the condition of the timber underneath the felt, without getting up on the roof and physically checking it. Though some roofing contractors will be happy to give you a separate quote to replace the wooden decking over the phone so you know how much it could cost in the worst place scenario. If the wood under the felt is in good condition, then this is obviously good news as it will reduce the costs of replacing the roof. But if the wood is rotten and sagging, then fitting new felt onto a rotten base is obviously not a good idea. Another point to consider is that flat roofs should have a slight slope so that rainwater will run off the roof and into the gutter.
Flat Roof Maintenance Services
You won’t believe how much dirt and debris can build up over the years. If left unattended for long enough, the potential for real damage greatly increases and the cost of repairing a commercial flat roof is much higher than a simple cleaning.
Flat Roof Maintenance Programs
One of the most cost effective and helpful things that you can do for your flat roof is scheduling a maintenance program to increase the overall lifespan of your flat roof by up to 15 years! With our maintenance plan, you will receive care to your flat roof that will directly eliminate the ongoing deterioration that takes place each and every day.
Our proven plan will maximize the performance of your rooftop and can save you thousands of dollars down the road. We respect your business and work place as if it were our own.
Your Roofing Guarantee – some things for architects to consider
Roofing guarantees are designed to offer peace of mind in case things go wrong, but in reality getting the right cover can be a minefield. All too often, it’s only when they are needed that any shortcomings in the guarantees come to light. Then, rather than making a claim that will swiftly resolve the issue for you and your client, you may find yourself in a situation where no one will accept liability, or where one of the key parties involved in the roofing contract is no longer trading
What do you want cover for?
Some roofing guarantees are for product/materials, others for workmanship, installation or design. When you specify be clear what you want – if you are after latent defects cover or insolvency, for example, make sure you ask for it specifically – never assume it’s included. Always carry out due diligence on a guarantee up front to find out exactly what cover is being offered.
What’s the right insurance?
Increasingly, clients and specifiers request insurance backed guarantees as a way of reducing the risk. However this alone is not enough: you need to see the wording of the manufacturer’s and/or contractor’s guarantee and the detail of the policy behind it to assess if the cover is appropriate. All too often, specifiers and clients don’t really know exactly what is being covered because it isn’t clearly defined, and they haven’t asked enough questions to find out. Types of cover range from product guarantees to latent defects insurance (see right), but wordings vary depending on the insurance company.
Ask a professional about your roofing guarantee
Don’t rely solely on the manufacturer’s advice. Always seek additional information on the insurance being offered from an independent adviser who is Financial Conduct Authority regulated. Talk to them to better understand what the various insurance policies that could apply actually cover. Consider possible scenarios that you might need cover for, including worst case.
Do the due diligence on your roofing guarantee
Carry out financial due diligence on the stability and credibility of the manufacturer, designer or installer – how long have they been trading? Do they have a good reputation within the industry? Some companies offering guarantees for roofing may not be financially stable enough to sustain lengthy insurances, which could be on their balance sheets for 10 or even 20 years, and some policies may cease if the company stops trading. A lot of guarantees appear to have insurance backing but make no mention of any insurer or the Financial Conduct Authority, which regulates the sale of insurance products. These will invariably be guarantees backed by the manufacturer only, which is of no value if they cease trading. Always read the small print. Also be aware if some manufacturers are actually agencies importing other products, which might simply fold if claimed against.

Essential Tips For Maintaining A Flat Roof
Regular inspections are an important part of maintaining any roof, regardless of its style. The maintenance requirements for flat roofs, however, are slightly different than the requirements for roofs that are more steeply pitched. When it comes to maintenance-related expenses, the money that you spend on upkeep is worthwhile since it helps extend the life of your roof. Sticking to a regular maintenance schedule also allows any problems to be addressed early on while they are still easy and affordable to fix.
Frequently Inspect The Roof
The best way to catch problems is by inspecting your roof on a regular basis. That is a lot easier on a flat roof than on a pitched roof since walking on a flat surface requires far less balance. During your inspection, look for cracking, rusty areas, pooled water, raised seams, and bubbles or blisters. If you spot any potential problems, reach out to a qualified roofing company in Albany for help making any necessary repairs. Along with doing your own inspections, you should also have your roof professionally inspected on a biannual basis.
Keep The Roof Clean
Loose debris like dirt, leaves, and branches are more likely to accumulate on flat roofs than on steeper roofs. Objects like these can trap moisture, which can not only cause mold and algae to grow but can also damage the surface of your roof, increasing the likelihood of leaks.
Prune Back Any Vegetation
If any branches from nearby trees are hanging over or coming in contact with your roof, you should trim them back. Leaving an adequate distance between the surrounding trees and your roof helps minimize the amount of debris that accumulates on the surface. Consider seeking professional help when trimming branches that overhang your roof so that you don’t inadvertently damage the surface.
Identify And Correct Any Drainage Issues
Water is far more likely to pool on flat roofs than it is on angled roofs. Areas where water tends to collect may need to be leveled so that the water properly drains. You should also have your gutters and other drainage system components periodically inspected by a professional roofer to make sure hidden clogs aren’t interfering with the flow of water.