Top Window Cleaning tips for clean, shiny and beautiful windows all the time
There is nothing as tedious as the chore of window cleaning especially when carrying out general cleanliness of the house. The fact that this type of cleaning is usually rarely effective coupled with the difficulty of balancing on ladders while cleaning are simply some of the things which make it such a tedious task. Good news is, at the moment there are a couple of cleaning options all of which serve as a guarantee to have your windows sparkling without necessarily stressing so much. These options are:-
-Hiring a professional window cleaner
-Installing the new revolutionary self cleaning glass widows
-Cleaning the windows by yourself
Keep in mind, regardless of the options which you choose, the best approach to window cleaning and always looking steak is to make sure that they are cleaned on a regular basis. However, in case you choose to clean the widow by yourself then the following tips might help make your work easier.

How to clean the outside of windows after construction
window cleaning services in newton maCleaning the inside of windows after construction can be challenging enough; cleaning the outside of those windows can be even more difficult! Renting a power washer can be the best choice for removing thick construction dust on the outside of new windows, and especially windows on second stories, as trying to clean up after construction while balancing yourself on a ladder can be very dangerous, if not downright deadly.
When cleaning the outside of windows after construction, be sure to start with the lowest pressure on your power washer, so that you don’t scratch or even outright shatter a window. Start by cleaning the roof eaves and areas above the windows, to remove dust and other debris that might otherwise settle onto the window glass.
As with inside windows, get the outside glass very wet with the power washer and continue to move the wand back and forth as you do, to wash away as much dust and remnants of paint and adhesive as possible. Once you’ve done that, you might add some glass cleaner to the water of your pressure washer, to finish the job and get the windows sparkling clean.
You might also use a telescoping handle on a window squeegee, which allows you to use that squeegee on upper story windows, to remove all traces of dust and dirt and to give the windows an extra polish. This also keeps you safe on the ground while you clean those windows!

Cleaning the Inside of Windows
- Fill a bucket or large pot with clean, cool water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap.
- Place a large bath towel beneath the window to catch any spills.
- Use a clean microfiber cloth or sponge to go over the surface of the window, starting at the top and working down to the bottom. Don’t forget to wipe down the frame as well, both inside and out.
- Spray the window thoroughly with the vinegar and water solution, or if you prefer, a commercial window cleaning product (such as Zep or Windex, both available on Amazon, or any of the other best glass cleaners we recommend). Another option is mixing one capful of ammonia with two gallons of water.
- Using a clean, lint-free towel (or the black-and-white pages of a newspaper), dry the window completely using a Z-shaped motion. You also can use clean paper towels to dry the windows, if you prefer.
- If dirt or streaks remain, spray and dry again. (Dirty windows typically require two rounds of spraying and drying.)

Grab a Mop to Clean Your Windows
Try this recipe for getting glass sparkling clean:
- Mix one part water to one part vinegar in a small bucket.
- Dip a clean microfiber cloth or mop head into the solution, and attach to the mop handle.
- Scrub your exterior windows with the mop.
Once most of the crud is gone, move on to the next step.
- Spray a streak-free window cleaner onto the glass or on a clean microfiber cloth and wipe.
- Wait for the window to dry.
- Wipe the dried glass with newspaper for a streak-free shine. If your hands don’t reach the window, you can skip this step.
And most important, don’t be a daredevil. For example, never climb out onto a window ledge or dodgy fire escape to clean your windows.
Going Pro
If you’re hiring a window-cleaning crew, make sure they are insured and bonded and have good reviews. Dorn recommends checking to see how long the service has been in business. “I would go with a legitimate outfit and not just somebody working out of the back of their truck.
These people are going to be in your home. “You want someone you can feel comfortable with, and someone you can ask questions of, like, ‘What should I expect?’ Your cleaning service should be able to walk you through that process.
It’s also important to find out how many people they will be sending over for the job. If It’s just a team of one or two, it’s going to take a lot longer than a team of four. So consider those kinds of things. How long do you want those folks to be in your home?